Monday, February 1, 2010

Chapter 2 Form 5 Physics Note

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kpd sume pembaca

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Sipnosis tuk chapter ni:

Many concepts
  1. introduction of electric charge (type, symbol, unit)
  2. introduction of electric current (definition, symbol, unit, formula, concept)
  3. relationship between electric charge and voltage (concept, definition, formula)
  4. Ohm's Law (concept, formula, analysis of graph)
  5. factors affect to the resistivity of wire
  6. super conductor (concept, definition, application)
  7. series and parallel circuit (concept, formula)
  8. E.M.F (definition, concept, formula)
  9. Eletrical energy and power (definition, concept, formula)
  10. Efficiency (concept, formula)
Many formula, but easy (as long as u grab the concept)
  1. I = Q / t
  2. Q = N * e ( e = 1.6 EXP -19)
  3. V = W / Q = E / Q
  4. V = I * R
  5. E.M.F = V + (I * r) = I (R + r)
  6. Electric energy = (V * I * t) = (I * I * R * t)
  7. Electric power = (V * I) = (I * I * R)
  8. Efficiency of electricity = (Output power) / (Input power)
p/s: Credit to saudara slokkoro for uplaoding this note at

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