Friday, January 15, 2010

Generasi sekarang.....Ish ish ish

Hari: Selasa
Tarikh: 12/10/2009
Waktu: 10 - 11 pagi

Sedang aku sibuk mencurahkan ilmu Fizik, student A mengangkat tgn tuk bertanya

Student A: "Sir, sorry for interrupt,I wonder how we can know what we are going to do during our first night with our wife?"

Aku: "Meaning??"

Student A: "You know la sir, you already married ma"

Aku: "There's a lot of things, maybe you can specify"

Student B interrupt, "$%^&*@"

Suana kelas dah berubah, ade yg senyum2 nakal, segelintir yg menggeleng-geleng (mungkin ase nye mende ni mcm tak patut nak di ceritakan), ade yg dah gelak berdekah-dekah. So, most of them memang suka la kot bab2 mcm ni

Aku: "Hoi...ape la suruh saya citer mende2 mcm ni"

Aku: (Terdiam seketika, dan memikirkan adakah aku salah masuk kelas, adakah ni kelas Biologi??). Nak layan ke idak gelagat diorang ni??

10 saat kemudian

Aku: "Oh, u can buy a book and read about it. Its title (P****** Y*** H*****). Very good one"

Student B interrupt

Student B: "Is it available in English?"

Aku: "Not sure, but try la find at any bookstore; MPH, Kinokuniya or what ever, maybe u can find one in English. But why you wanna know about that. All of you still young. Oh, sudah gatal ka mau k****n??"

Aku: " Oh guys, come on, focus and finish your study, 1st,and then have a good job, saving your money like a mountain, and then find an ideal life partner, last, get married. By the time, when u a re going to marry, find la the book that I've mentioned before"

Student A: "Just for a knowledge, Sir."

Aku: " That's true. But, don't practise it ya especially for those at the back (sambil tunjuk kat group bebdk Melayu Islam). Korang sume kene nikah dulu, kasi halal, kene ade "cop halal" drpd Tok Kadi"

Sume bebdk Melayu Islam kat blkang bantai gelak

Generasi sekarang...Mcm2 dlm kotak pemikiran mereka...But, it is normal la...When they reach their puberty (akil baligh), so, mende2 mcm ni akan jadi persoalan bagi diorg...Cume jgn terlebih2 sampai wat mende2 yg tak patut2 dah la....

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